* removed api client macro * fixed passing --release mode in cargo make * optimized integration tests * added logging module (tracing) * allow u_panel to alter entries * reworked u_panel args (CRUD) * improved db hooks * started implementing web-interface ** incapsulated all frontend in binary ** setup workflow ** make u_panel accept commands from interfacepull/1/head
47 changed files with 808 additions and 651 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
use actix_web::http::StatusCode; |
use actix_web::ResponseError; |
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] |
pub enum Error { |
#[error("Arg parse error: {0}")] |
ArgparseError(#[from] structopt::clap::Error), |
#[error("Just an error: {0}")] |
JustError(String), |
} |
impl ResponseError for Error { |
fn status_code(&self) -> actix_web::http::StatusCode { |
StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
# See http://help.github.com/ignore-files/ for more about ignoring files. |
# compiled output |
/dist |
/tmp |
/out-tsc |
# Only exists if Bazel was run |
/bazel-out |
# dependencies |
/node_modules |
# profiling files |
chrome-profiler-events*.json |
# IDEs and editors |
/.idea |
.project |
.classpath |
.c9/ |
*.launch |
.settings/ |
*.sublime-workspace |
# IDE - VSCode |
.vscode/* |
!.vscode/settings.json |
!.vscode/tasks.json |
!.vscode/launch.json |
!.vscode/extensions.json |
.history/* |
# misc |
/.angular/cache |
/.sass-cache |
/connect.lock |
/coverage |
/libpeerconnection.log |
npm-debug.log |
yarn-error.log |
testem.log |
/typings |
# System Files |
.DS_Store |
Thumbs.db |
package-lock.json |
@ -1 +1,49 @@ |
<span>{{ title }}</span> |
<mat-tab-group animationDuration="0ms" mat-align-tabs="center"> |
<mat-tab label="Agents"> |
<div class="example-container mat-elevation-z8"> |
<div class="example-loading-shade" *ngIf="isLoadingResults"> |
<mat-spinner *ngIf="isLoadingResults"></mat-spinner> |
</div> |
<div class="example-table-container"> |
<table mat-table [dataSource]="table_data" class="example-table" matSort matSortActive="id" matSortDisableClear |
matSortDirection="desc"> |
<ng-container matColumnDef="id"> |
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>id</th> |
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row">{{row.id}}</td> |
</ng-container> |
<ng-container matColumnDef="alias"> |
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>Alias</th> |
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row">{{row.alias}}</td> |
</ng-container> |
<ng-container matColumnDef="username"> |
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>user@hostname</th> |
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row">{{row.username}}@{{row.hostname}}</td> |
</ng-container> |
<ng-container matColumnDef="last_active"> |
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort-header disableClear> |
Last active |
</th> |
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row">{{row.last_active}}</td> |
</ng-container> |
<tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns"></tr> |
<tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns;"></tr> |
</table> |
<button mat-raised-button (click)="fetch_agents()">Refresh</button> |
</div> |
<!-- <mat-paginator [length]="resultsLength" [pageSize]="30" aria-label="Select page of GitHub search results"> |
</mat-paginator> --> |
</div> |
</mat-tab> |
<mat-tab label="Jobs"></mat-tab> |
<mat-tab label="Results"></mat-tab> |
</mat-tab-group> |
@ -1,10 +1,82 @@ |
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; |
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; |
import { Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core'; |
import { timer, Observable, of as observableOf } from 'rxjs'; |
import { catchError, map, startWith, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; |
interface Agent { |
alias: string | null, |
hostname: string, |
id: string, |
is_root: boolean, |
is_root_allowed: boolean, |
last_active: Date, |
platform: string, |
regtime: Date, |
state: "new" | "active" | "banned", |
token: string | null, |
username: string, |
} |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-root', |
templateUrl: './app.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./app.component.less'] |
}) |
export class AppComponent { |
title = 'ты лох'; |
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit { |
displayedColumns: string[] = ['id', 'alias', 'username', 'last_active']; |
exampleDatabase!: ExampleHttpDatabase | null; |
table_data: Agent[] = []; |
isLoadingResults = true; |
constructor(private _httpClient: HttpClient) { } |
ngAfterViewInit() { |
this.exampleDatabase = new ExampleHttpDatabase(this._httpClient); |
this.fetch_agents(); |
// If the user changes the sort order, reset back to the first page.
//this.sort.sortChange.subscribe(() => (this.paginator.pageIndex = 0));
} |
fetch_agents() { |
timer(0) |
.pipe( |
startWith({}), |
switchMap(() => { |
this.isLoadingResults = true; |
return this.exampleDatabase!.getAgents().pipe(catchError(() => observableOf(null))); |
}), |
map(data => { |
// Flip flag to show that loading has finished.
this.isLoadingResults = false; |
if (data === null) { |
return []; |
} |
// Only refresh the result length if there is new data. In case of rate
// limit errors, we do not want to reset the paginator to zero, as that
// would prevent users from re-triggering requests.
return data.data; |
}), |
) |
.subscribe(data => { if (typeof data !== 'string') { this.table_data = data } else { alert(`Error: ${data}`) } }); |
} |
} |
interface ServerResponse<T> { |
status: "ok" | "err", |
data: T | string |
} |
class ExampleHttpDatabase { |
constructor(private _httpClient: HttpClient) { } |
getAgents(): Observable<ServerResponse<Agent[]>> { |
const requestUrl = "/cmd/"; |
const cmd = "agents list"; |
return this._httpClient.post<ServerResponse<Agent[]>>(requestUrl, cmd); |
} |
} |
@ -1 +1,4 @@ |
/* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */ |
html, body { height: 100%; } |
body { margin: 0; font-family: Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; } |
@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ |
use crate::handlers::Endpoints; |
use crate::{db::UDB, errors::SResult}; |
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; |
use std::path::PathBuf; |
use u_lib::{ |
messaging::{AsMsg, BaseMessage, Reportable}, |
models::*, |
}; |
use uuid::Uuid; |
use warp::{ |
body, |
reply::{json, reply, Json}, |
Filter, Rejection, Reply, |
}; |
fn get_content<M>() -> impl Filter<Extract = (BaseMessage<'static, M>,), Error = Rejection> + Clone |
where |
M: AsMsg + Sync + Send + DeserializeOwned + 'static, |
{ |
body::content_length_limit(1024 * 64).and(body::json::<BaseMessage<M>>()) |
} |
fn into_message<M: AsMsg>(msg: M) -> Json { |
json(&msg.as_message()) |
} |
pub fn init_filters( |
auth_token: &str, |
) -> impl Filter<Extract = (impl Reply,), Error = Rejection> + Clone { |
let infallible_none = |_| async { Ok::<(Option<Uuid>,), std::convert::Infallible>((None,)) }; |
let get_agents = warp::get() |
.and(warp::path("get_agents")) |
.and( |
warp::path::param::<Uuid>() |
.map(Some) |
.or_else(infallible_none), |
) |
.and_then(Endpoints::get_agents) |
.map(into_message); |
let upload_jobs = warp::post() |
.and(warp::path("upload_jobs")) |
.and(get_content::<Vec<JobMeta>>()) |
.and_then(Endpoints::upload_jobs) |
.map(|_| reply()); |
let get_jobs = warp::get() |
.and(warp::path("get_jobs")) |
.and( |
warp::path::param::<Uuid>() |
.map(Some) |
.or_else(infallible_none), |
) |
.and_then(Endpoints::get_jobs) |
.map(into_message); |
let get_agent_jobs = warp::get() |
.and(warp::path("get_agent_jobs")) |
.and( |
warp::path::param::<Uuid>() |
.map(Some) |
.or_else(infallible_none), |
) |
.and_then(Endpoints::get_agent_jobs) |
.map(into_message); |
let get_personal_jobs = warp::get() |
.and(warp::path("get_personal_jobs")) |
.and(warp::path::param::<Uuid>().map(Some)) |
.and_then(Endpoints::get_personal_jobs) |
.map(into_message); |
let del = warp::get() |
.and(warp::path("del")) |
.and(warp::path::param::<Uuid>()) |
.and_then(Endpoints::del) |
.map(|_| reply()); |
let set_jobs = warp::post() |
.and(warp::path("set_jobs")) |
.and(warp::path::param::<Uuid>()) |
.and(get_content::<Vec<String>>()) |
.and_then(Endpoints::set_jobs) |
.map(into_message); |
let report = warp::post() |
.and(warp::path("report")) |
.and(get_content::<Vec<Reportable>>()) |
.and_then(Endpoints::report) |
.map(|_| reply()); |
let auth_token = format!("Bearer {auth_token}",).into_boxed_str(); |
let auth_header = warp::header::exact("authorization", Box::leak(auth_token)); |
let auth_zone = (get_agents |
.or(get_jobs) |
.or(upload_jobs) |
.or(del) |
.or(set_jobs) |
.or(get_agent_jobs)) |
.and(auth_header); |
let agent_zone = get_jobs.clone().or(get_personal_jobs).or(report); |
auth_zone.or(agent_zone) |
} |
pub fn prefill_jobs() -> SResult<()> { |
let agent_hello = JobMeta::builder() |
.with_type(misc::JobType::Manage) |
.with_alias("agent_hello") |
.build() |
.unwrap(); |
UDB::lock_db().insert_jobs(&[agent_hello]) |
} |
pub fn init_logger() { |
use simplelog::*; |
use std::fs::OpenOptions; |
let log_cfg = ConfigBuilder::new() |
.set_time_format_str("%x %X") |
.set_time_to_local(true) |
.build(); |
let logfile = OpenOptions::new() |
.append(true) |
.create(true) |
.open(PathBuf::from("logs").join("u_server.log")) |
.unwrap(); |
let level = LevelFilter::Info; |
let loggers = vec![ |
WriteLogger::new(level, log_cfg.clone(), logfile) as Box<dyn SharedLogger>, |
TermLogger::new(level, log_cfg, TerminalMode::Stderr, ColorChoice::Auto), |
]; |
CombinedLogger::init(loggers).unwrap(); |
} |
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ |
FROM rust:1.60 |
FROM rust:1.62 |
RUN rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl |
CMD ["sleep", "3600"] |
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ |
[package] |
name = "u_api_proc_macro" |
version = "0.1.0" |
authors = ["plazmoid <kronos44@mail.ru>"] |
edition = "2018" |
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html |
[lib] |
proc-macro = true |
[dependencies] |
syn = { version = "1.0", features = ["full", "extra-traits"] } |
quote = "1.0" |
strum = { version = "0.20", features = ["derive"] } |
proc-macro2 = "1.0" |
@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ |
use proc_macro::TokenStream; |
use proc_macro2::{Ident, TokenStream as TokenStream2}; |
use quote::quote; |
use std::{collections::HashMap, str::FromStr}; |
use strum::EnumString; |
use syn::{ |
parse_macro_input, punctuated::Punctuated, AttributeArgs, FnArg, ItemFn, Lit, NestedMeta, |
ReturnType, Signature, Token, Type, |
}; |
#[derive(EnumString, Debug)] |
enum ReqMethod { |
GET, |
} |
#[derive(Debug)] |
struct Endpoint { |
method: ReqMethod, |
} |
#[derive(Debug)] |
struct FnArgs { |
url_param: Option<Type>, |
payload: Option<Type>, |
} |
#[proc_macro_attribute] |
pub fn api_route(args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { |
let args: AttributeArgs = parse_macro_input!(args); |
let input: ItemFn = parse_macro_input!(item); |
let Signature { |
ident, |
inputs, |
generics, |
output, |
.. |
} = input.sig; |
let (impl_generics, _, _) = generics.split_for_impl(); |
let FnArgs { url_param, payload } = parse_fn_args(inputs); |
let Endpoint { method } = parse_attr_args(args); |
let url_path = build_url_path(&ident, &url_param); |
let return_ty = match output { |
ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => quote!(#ty), |
ReturnType::Default => quote!(()), |
}; |
let request = match method { |
ReqMethod::GET => build_get(url_path), |
ReqMethod::POST => build_post(url_path, &payload), |
}; |
let url_param = match url_param { |
Some(p) => quote!(, param: #p), |
None => TokenStream2::new(), |
}; |
let payload = match payload { |
Some(p) => quote!(, payload: #p), |
None => TokenStream2::new(), |
}; |
let q = quote! { |
pub async fn #ident #impl_generics( |
&self #url_param #payload |
) -> UResult<#return_ty> { |
let request = { |
#request |
}; |
let response = request.send().await?; |
let content_len = response.content_length(); |
let is_success = match response.error_for_status_ref() { |
Ok(_) => Ok(()), |
Err(e) => Err(UError::from(e)) |
}; |
let resp = response.text().await?; |
let result = match is_success { |
Ok(_) => { |
serde_json::from_str::<BaseMessage<#return_ty>>(&resp) |
.map(|msg| msg.into_inner()) |
.or_else(|e| { |
match content_len { |
Some(0) => Ok(Default::default()), |
_ => Err(UError::NetError(e.to_string(), resp.clone())) |
} |
}) |
}, |
Err(UError::NetError(err_src, _)) => Err( |
UError::NetError( |
err_src, |
resp |
) |
), |
_ => unreachable!() |
}; |
Ok(result?) |
} |
}; |
q.into() |
} |
fn parse_fn_args(raw: Punctuated<FnArg, Token![,]>) -> FnArgs { |
let mut arg: HashMap<String, Type> = raw |
.into_iter() |
.filter_map(|arg| { |
if let FnArg::Typed(argt) = arg { |
let mut arg_name = String::new(); |
// did you think I won't overplay you? won't destroy?
|arg_ident| -> TokenStream { |
let q: TokenStream = quote!(#arg_ident).into(); |
arg_name = parse_macro_input!(q as Ident).to_string(); |
TokenStream::new() |
}(argt.pat); |
if &arg_name != "url_param" && &arg_name != "payload" { |
panic!("Wrong arg name: {}", &arg_name) |
} |
let arg_type = *argt.ty; |
Some((arg_name, arg_type)) |
} else { |
None |
} |
}) |
.collect(); |
FnArgs { |
url_param: arg.remove("url_param"), |
payload: arg.remove("payload"), |
} |
} |
fn build_get(url: TokenStream2) -> TokenStream2 { |
quote! { |
let request = self.build_get(#url); |
request |
} |
} |
fn build_post(url: TokenStream2, payload: &Option<Type>) -> TokenStream2 { |
let pld = match payload { |
Some(_) => quote! { |
.json(&payload.as_message()) |
}, |
None => TokenStream2::new(), |
}; |
quote! { |
let request = self.build_post(#url); |
request #pld |
} |
} |
fn build_url_path(path: &Ident, url_param: &Option<Type>) -> TokenStream2 { |
let url_param = match url_param { |
Some(_) => quote! { |
+ &opt_to_string(param) |
}, |
None => TokenStream2::new(), |
}; |
quote! { |
&format!( |
"{}/{}", |
stringify!(#path), |
String::new() #url_param |
) |
} |
} |
fn parse_attr_args(args: AttributeArgs) -> Endpoint { |
let mut args = args.into_iter(); |
let method = match args.next() { |
Some(method) => match method { |
NestedMeta::Lit(l) => { |
if let Lit::Str(s) = l { |
match ReqMethod::from_str(&s.value()) { |
Ok(v) => v, |
Err(_) => panic!("Unknown method"), |
} |
} else { |
panic!("Method must be a str") |
} |
} |
_ => panic!("Method must be on the first place"), |
}, |
None => panic!("Method required"), |
}; |
Endpoint { method } |
} |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
use std::fmt::Display; |
use u_api_proc_macro::api_route; |
type UResult<T, E> = Result<T, E>; |
struct ClientHandler; |
struct Paths; |
#[test] |
fn test1() { |
#[api_route("GET", Uuid)] |
fn list<T: Display>(url_param: T) {} |
} |
*/ |
@ -1,98 +1,134 @@ |
use std::collections::HashMap; |
use crate::{ |
config::MASTER_PORT, |
messaging::{self, AsMsg, BaseMessage}, |
models, |
utils::{opt_to_string, VecDisplay}, |
messaging::{self, AsMsg, BaseMessage, Empty}, |
models::{self, Agent}, |
utils::opt_to_string, |
UError, UResult, |
}; |
use reqwest::{Certificate, Client, Identity, RequestBuilder, Url}; |
use u_api_proc_macro::api_route; |
use reqwest::{header::HeaderMap, Certificate, Client, Identity, Url}; |
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; |
use uuid::Uuid; |
const AGENT_IDENTITY: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../../certs/alice.p12"); |
const ROOT_CA_CERT: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../../certs/ca.crt"); |
#[derive(Clone)] |
pub struct ClientHandler { |
base_url: Url, |
client: Client, |
password: Option<String>, |
} |
impl ClientHandler { |
pub fn new(server: &str) -> Self { |
pub fn new(server: &str, password: Option<String>) -> Self { |
let identity = Identity::from_pkcs12_der(AGENT_IDENTITY, "").unwrap(); |
let client = Client::builder() |
.identity(identity) |
let mut client = Client::builder().identity(identity); |
if let Some(pwd) = password { |
client = client.default_headers( |
HeaderMap::try_from(&HashMap::from([( |
"Authorization".to_string(), |
format!("Bearer {pwd}"), |
)])) |
.unwrap(), |
) |
} |
let client = client |
.add_root_certificate(Certificate::from_pem(ROOT_CA_CERT).unwrap()) |
.build() |
.unwrap(); |
Self { |
client, |
base_url: Url::parse(&format!("https://{}:{}", server, MASTER_PORT)).unwrap(), |
password: None, |
} |
} |
pub fn password(mut self, password: String) -> ClientHandler { |
self.password = Some(password); |
self |
} |
async fn _req<P: AsMsg, M: AsMsg + DeserializeOwned>( |
&self, |
url: impl AsRef<str>, |
payload: P, |
) -> UResult<M> { |
let request = self |
.client |
.post(self.base_url.join(url.as_ref()).unwrap()) |
.json(&payload.as_message()); |
fn set_pwd(&self, rb: RequestBuilder) -> RequestBuilder { |
match &self.password { |
Some(p) => rb.bearer_auth(p), |
None => rb, |
let response = request.send().await?; |
let is_success = match response.error_for_status_ref() { |
Ok(_) => Ok(()), |
Err(e) => Err(UError::from(e)), |
}; |
let resp = response.text().await?; |
match is_success { |
Ok(_) => serde_json::from_str::<BaseMessage<M>>(&resp) |
.map(|msg| msg.into_inner()) |
.or_else(|e| Err(UError::NetError(e.to_string(), resp.clone()))), |
Err(UError::NetError(err, _)) => Err(UError::NetError(err, resp)), |
_ => unreachable!(), |
} |
} |
fn build_get(&self, url: &str) -> RequestBuilder { |
let rb = self.client.get(self.base_url.join(url).unwrap()); |
self.set_pwd(rb) |
// get jobs for client
pub async fn get_personal_jobs( |
&self, |
url_param: Option<Uuid>, |
) -> UResult<Vec<models::AssignedJob>> { |
self._req( |
format!("get_personal_jobs/{}", opt_to_string(url_param)), |
Empty, |
) |
.await |
} |
fn build_post(&self, url: &str) -> RequestBuilder { |
let rb = self.client.post(self.base_url.join(url).unwrap()); |
self.set_pwd(rb) |
} |
// get jobs for client
#[api_route("GET")] |
async fn get_personal_jobs(&self, url_param: Option<Uuid>) -> VecDisplay<models::AssignedJob> {} |
// send something to server
#[api_route("POST")] |
async fn report(&self, payload: &[messaging::Reportable]) -> messaging::Empty {} |
pub async fn report(&self, payload: &[messaging::Reportable]) -> UResult<Empty> { |
self._req("report", payload).await |
} |
// download file
#[api_route("GET")] |
async fn dl(&self, url_param: Option<Uuid>) -> Vec<u8> {} |
// request download
#[api_route("POST")] |
async fn dlr(&self, url_param: Option<String>) -> messaging::DownloadInfo {} |
pub async fn dl(&self, file: String) -> UResult<Vec<u8>> { |
self._req(format!("dl/{file}"), Empty).await |
} |
} |
//##########// Admin area //##########//
/// client listing
#[api_route("GET")] |
async fn get_agents(&self, url_param: Option<Uuid>) -> VecDisplay<models::Agent> {} |
// get all available jobs
#[api_route("GET")] |
async fn get_jobs(&self, url_param: Option<Uuid>) -> VecDisplay<models::JobMeta> {} |
// create and upload job
#[api_route("POST")] |
async fn upload_jobs(&self, payload: &[models::JobMeta]) -> messaging::Empty {} |
// delete something
#[api_route("GET")] |
async fn del(&self, url_param: Option<Uuid>) -> i32 {} |
// set jobs for any client
#[api_route("POST")] |
async fn set_jobs(&self, url_param: Option<Uuid>, payload: &[String]) -> VecDisplay<Uuid> {} |
// get jobs for any client
#[api_route("GET")] |
async fn get_agent_jobs(&self, url_param: Option<Uuid>) -> VecDisplay<models::AssignedJob> {} |
#[cfg(feature = "panel")] |
impl ClientHandler { |
/// agent listing
pub async fn get_agents(&self, agent: Option<Uuid>) -> UResult<Vec<models::Agent>> { |
self._req(format!("get_agents/{}", opt_to_string(agent)), Empty) |
.await |
} |
/// update something
pub async fn update_item(&self, item: impl AsMsg) -> UResult<Empty> { |
self._req("update_item", item).await |
} |
/// get all available jobs
pub async fn get_jobs(&self, job: Option<Uuid>) -> UResult<Vec<models::JobMeta>> { |
self._req(format!("get_jobs/{}", opt_to_string(job)), Empty) |
.await |
} |
/// create and upload job
pub async fn upload_jobs(&self, payload: &[models::JobMeta]) -> UResult<Empty> { |
self._req("upload_jobs", payload).await |
} |
/// delete something
pub async fn del(&self, item: Uuid) -> UResult<i32> { |
self._req(format!("del/{item}"), Empty).await |
} |
/// set jobs for any agent
pub async fn set_jobs(&self, agent: Uuid, job_idents: &[String]) -> UResult<Vec<Uuid>> { |
self._req(format!("set_jobs/{agent}"), job_idents).await |
} |
/// get jobs for any agent
pub async fn get_agent_jobs(&self, agent: Option<Uuid>) -> UResult<Vec<models::AssignedJob>> { |
self._req(format!("set_jobs/{}", opt_to_string(agent)), Empty) |
.await |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
use std::env; |
use std::path::Path; |
use tracing_appender::rolling; |
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter; |
pub fn init_logger(logfile: impl AsRef<Path> + Send + Sync + 'static) { |
if env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() { |
env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info") |
} |
tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt() |
.with_env_filter(EnvFilter::from_default_env()) |
.with_writer(move || rolling::never(".", logfile.as_ref().with_extension("log"))) |
.init(); |
} |
Reference in new issue