use std::{time::SystemTime}; use u_lib::{ errors::UError, models::{ jobs::{JobMeta}, ExecResult, misc::JobType }, builder::{JobBuilder, NamedJobBuilder} }; type TestResult = Result>; #[tokio::test] async fn test_is_really_async() { const SLEEP_SECS: u64 = 1; let job = JobMeta::from_shell(format!("sleep {}", SLEEP_SECS)).unwrap(); let sleep_jobs: Vec = (0..50).map(|_| job.clone()).collect(); let now = SystemTime::now(); JobBuilder::from_meta(sleep_jobs).unwrap_one().wait().await; assert!(now.elapsed().unwrap().as_secs() < SLEEP_SECS + 2) } #[test_case( "/bin/sh {}", Some(b"echo test01 > /tmp/asd; cat /tmp/asd"), "test01" ;"sh payload" )] #[test_case( r#"/usr/bin/python -c 'print("test02")'"#, None, "test02" ;"python cmd" )] #[test_case( "/{}", Some( br#"#!/bin/sh TMPPATH=/tmp/lol mkdir -p $TMPPATH echo test03 > $TMPPATH/t cat $TMPPATH/t"# ), "test03" ;"sh multiline payload" )] #[test_case( "/{} 'some msg as arg'", Some(include_bytes!("../fixtures/echoer")), "some msg as arg" ;"standalone binary with args" )] #[tokio::test] async fn test_shell_job(cmd: &str, payload: Option<&[u8]>, expected_result: &str) -> TestResult { let mut job = JobMeta::builder().with_shell(cmd); if let Some(p) = payload { job = job.with_payload(p); } let job =; let job_result = JobBuilder::from_meta(job).unwrap_one().wait_one().await; let result = unwrap_enum!(job_result, ExecResult::Assigned); let result = result.to_string_result().unwrap(); assert_eq!(result.trim(), expected_result); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_complex_load() -> TestResult { const SLEEP_SECS: u64 = 1; let now = SystemTime::now(); let longest_job = JobMeta::from_shell(format!("sleep {}", SLEEP_SECS)).unwrap(); let longest_job = JobBuilder::from_meta(longest_job).unwrap_one().spawn().await; let ls = JobBuilder::from_meta(JobMeta::from_shell("ls")?).unwrap_one() .wait_one() .await; let ls = unwrap_enum!(ls, ExecResult::Assigned); assert_eq!(ls.retcode.unwrap(), 0); let folders = ls.to_string_result().unwrap(); let subfolders_jobs: Vec = folders .lines() .map(|f| JobMeta::from_shell(format!("ls {}", f)).unwrap()) .collect(); let ls_subfolders = JobBuilder::from_meta(subfolders_jobs) .unwrap_one() .wait() .await; for result in ls_subfolders { let result = unwrap_enum!(result, ExecResult::Assigned); assert_eq!(result.retcode.unwrap(), 0); } longest_job.wait().await; assert_eq!(now.elapsed().unwrap().as_secs(), SLEEP_SECS); Ok(()) } /* #[tokio::test] async fn test_exec_multiple_jobs_nowait() -> UResult<()> { const REPEATS: usize = 10; let job = JobMeta::from_shell("whoami"); let sleep_jobs: Vec = (0..=REPEATS).map(|_| job.clone()).collect(); build_jobs(sleep_jobs).spawn().await; let mut completed = 0; while completed < REPEATS { let c = pop_completed().await.len(); if c > 0 { completed += c; println!("{}", c); } } Ok(()) } */ #[tokio::test] async fn test_failing_shell_job() -> TestResult { let job = JobMeta::from_shell("lol_kek_puk")?; let job_result = JobBuilder::from_meta(job) .unwrap_one() .wait_one() .await; let job_result = unwrap_enum!(job_result, ExecResult::Assigned); let output = job_result.to_string_result().unwrap(); assert!(output.contains("No such file")); assert!(job_result.retcode.is_none()); Ok(()) } #[test_case( "/bin/bash {}", None, "contains executable" ; "no binary" )] #[test_case( "/bin/bash", Some(b"whoami"), "contains no executable" ; "no path to binary" )] #[tokio::test] async fn test_job_building_failed(cmd: &str, payload: Option<&[u8]>, err_str: &str) -> TestResult { let mut job = JobMeta::builder().with_shell(cmd); if let Some(p) = payload { job = job.with_payload(p); } let err =; let err_msg = unwrap_enum!(err, UError::JobArgsError); assert!(err_msg.contains(err_str)); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_different_job_types() -> TestResult { let mut jobs = NamedJobBuilder::from_meta(vec![ ("sleeper", JobMeta::from_shell("sleep 3")?), ("gatherer", JobMeta::builder().with_type(JobType::Manage).build()?) ]).wait().await; let gathered = jobs.pop("gatherer"); assert_eq!(unwrap_enum!(gathered, ExecResult::Agent).alias, None); Ok(()) }