import signal import sys import toml from docker import rebuild_images_if_needed, Compose from pathlib import Path from utils import * CARGO_INTEGRATION_TOML = Path('../__Cargo_integration.toml') CLUSTER = Compose() def fail(msg): err(msg) sys.exit(1) def usage_exit(): usage = f"""Usage: python {__file__.split('/')[-1]} [--rebuild] [--preserve] [--no-run] [--down]""" fail(usage) def create_integration_workspace(): if CARGO_INTEGRATION_TOML.exists(): CARGO_INTEGRATION_TOML.unlink() workspace = toml.load('../Cargo.toml') workspace['workspace']['members'] = ['integration'] with open(CARGO_INTEGRATION_TOML, 'w') as fo: toml.dump(workspace, fo) def run_tests(): allowed_args = set(["--rebuild", "--preserve", "--no-run", "--release", "--down"]) args = sys.argv[1:] if not set(args).issubset(allowed_args): usage_exit() force_rebuild = '--rebuild' in args preserve_containers = '--preserve' in args only_setup_cluster = '--no-run' in args down_cluster = "--down" in args def _cleanup(): if not preserve_containers and not only_setup_cluster: CLUSTER.down() CARGO_INTEGRATION_TOML.unlink(missing_ok=True) def abort_handler(s, _): warn(f'Received signal: {s}, gracefully stopping...') _cleanup() if down_cluster: _cleanup() return for s in (signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGHUP): signal.signal(s, abort_handler) rebuild_images_if_needed(force_rebuild) create_integration_workspace() try: CLUSTER.up() CLUSTER.is_alive() if not only_setup_cluster:'cargo test --test integration') except Exception as e: CLUSTER.print_containers_logs() fail(e) finally: _cleanup() if __name__ == '__main__': run_tests()